Does Your Partner?
1. Act extremely jealous of others who pay attention to you, or use jealousy to justify his/her actions?
2. Control your finances, behavior and even whom you socialize with?
3. Make you afraid by using looks, actions, and gestures like smashing things, destroying your property or displaying weapons?
4. Threaten to kill you or commit suicide?
5. Make all the decisions.
6. Stop you from seeing or talking to friends, family or limits your outside involvement?
7. Act like the abuse is no big deal, it's your fault or even deny doing it?
8. Threatens to kill your pets?
9. Puts you down in front of other people, humiliates you, plays mind games and makes you feel as if you are crazy?
10. Prevents you from getting or keeping a job?
11. Takes your money or does not let you know about or have access to the family income?
12. Threatens to take the children away?
Do You?
1. Become quiet when he/she is around and feel afraid of making him/her angry?
2. Cancel plans at the last minute?
3. Stop seeing your friends and family members, becoming more and more isolated?
4. Find your explaining bruises to family and friends?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be involved in a relationship that is physically, emotionally or sexually abusive.